Manga Mania (Documentary 90 minutes)
In a realm where ink and paper transcend their material bounds to become icons for an entire generation, the world of manga unfolds.
Far more than an art form, manga is a global obsession. But how much do we really know about this worldwide sensation? "Mangamania" serves as the key, unlocking the door to this enigmatic world. This isn't just a primer; it's a ticket to a riveting journey. Seamlessly blending intimate testimonials with deep-dive expert analysis, all wrapped in a visually mesmerizing aesthetic, the documentary takes storytelling to the next level.
Choosing France as its backdrop is no coincidence. The country stands as the world's second-largest manga market, a ringing endorsement of the art form's universal appeal.
The significance of "Mangamania" isn't merely cultural—it's economic. Think about it: the global manga industry reached an astounding $12.4 billion in value in 2020 and increase each year.
"Mangamania" is an experience, not just a film to watch. It’s a treasure trove of stories, insights, and visuals that makes it more than just a documentary. It’s a reflection of an era, a mirror to a generation, and a beacon for a booming industry.
Far more than an art form, manga is a global obsession. But how much do we really know about this worldwide sensation? "Mangamania" serves as the key, unlocking the door to this enigmatic world. This isn't just a primer; it's a ticket to a riveting journey. Seamlessly blending intimate testimonials with deep-dive expert analysis, all wrapped in a visually mesmerizing aesthetic, the documentary takes storytelling to the next level.
Choosing France as its backdrop is no coincidence. The country stands as the world's second-largest manga market, a ringing endorsement of the art form's universal appeal.
The significance of "Mangamania" isn't merely cultural—it's economic. Think about it: the global manga industry reached an astounding $12.4 billion in value in 2020 and increase each year.
"Mangamania" is an experience, not just a film to watch. It’s a treasure trove of stories, insights, and visuals that makes it more than just a documentary. It’s a reflection of an era, a mirror to a generation, and a beacon for a booming industry.
Behind cameras
Action takes place in France, Japan and Canada